Planning & Code Enforcement
The Planning & Zoning Commission and Code Enforcement Fees
Special Use/Site Plan $500
Zoning Change/LPD-OD & TND $2,000
Special Use/Site Plan $500
Zoning Change/LPD-OD & TND $2,000
Plan Review Fee $100 / hr.
Minor Subdivision (1 - 5 lots) $ 500, plus any professional fees incurred by the town
Major Subdivision $ 2,000, plus any professional fees incurred by the town
Minor Subdivision (1 - 5 lots) $ 500, plus any professional fees incurred by the town
Major Subdivision $ 2,000, plus any professional fees incurred by the town
** Application for the above referenced requests can be obtained at the following
Variance $500
** Application can be obtained at the following
The Town of Laurel has drafted a one page document on "How to Start a Business in Laurel". The Town is working to spur development and improvements to properties within our town. The Town has been designated a Downtown Development District and along with the Delaware State Housing Authority, offers incentives to property owners for improvements and developments of properties within the DDD. Effective July 1, 2019, the Town will be offering incentives on impact fees for new commercial development along the U. S. Route 13 Corridor. You can contact Code Enforcement Department or Town Manager's Office for more information on the DDD and U. S. Route 13 Commercial Corridor Incentives.
The guideline document for starting a business in Laurel can be retrieved under forms "How to Start a Business" or by clicking the following link:
Code Enforcement Fees:
Please contact the Director of Code Enforcement for building permit, inspection, plumbing, impact and connection fees, etc., at 302-875-2277